Re: [Evolution] Moving from Claws-Mail (pop/maildir) to Evo

On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 01:00 -0500, Chris wrote:
While I'm not necessarily afraid to try new things, I could give this
try. That being said - some pointers (or a decent example someplace)
would be appreciated.

Maybe something like fetch-n-proc might be worth the imagined headache
(naive point of view here) of setting it up. Perhaps I'll give it a

Shouldn't be a headache, and once it's setup, you likely won't have to
ever touch it again.

my anonymized .procmailrc is attached.  It's configured to use
bogofilter as a spam filter... other procmailrc examples can be found on
the web/procmail homepage etc...
Use evo to create a maildir account, then set the .procmailrc parameter

sample of my .fetchmailrc pasted below... other examples can be found on
the web/fetchmail homepage etc...

I am rthompso on this box.

I think ( it's been a while since I set this up )
set daemon
is needed for fetchmail to run in daemon mode (120 = fetch every 2

for the user-account isp com account, emails are downloaded BUT left on
the server ( note the 'keep' option ) ( I want to access these emails
from this box, but I want to ultimately pull them from the server and
store them on a different box ).

for the gmail account, the emails are pulled down to this account and
'removed' from the server ( 'removed' being a misnomer since gmail
actually keeps everything forever -- Google's privacy policy says
deleted e-mail messages "may remain in our offline backup systems" in
perpetuity. It does not guarantee that backups are ever deleted.)

if you have an account where you have the 'keep' option set, setup
an idfile.

$ cat .fetchmailrc
# Configuration created Thu Jul 23 09:44:11 2009 by fetchmailconf 1.54 $Revision: 5165 $
set postmaster "rthompso"
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
set daemon 120
set logfile /tmp/fetchmail.log
set idfile /home/rthompso/.fetchmailidfile

poll with uidl proto POP3
       user 'user-account isp com' there with password 'validpassword' is 'rthompso' here options keep mda 
"/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"

poll with uidl proto POP3
       user 'user-account gmail com' there with password 'valid-password' is 'rthompso' here options ssl mda 
"/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"

Attachment: .procmailrc
Description: Text document

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