Re: [Evolution] "Reindexing" mail files

El lun, 09-03-2009 a las 18:38 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan escribiÃ:
On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 20:19 +0000, Javier Vilarroig wrote:
El dom, 08-03-2009 a las 16:01 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan escribiÃ:
On Sun, 2009-03-08 at 18:18 +0100, Javier Vilarroig wrote:
(evolution:6481): camel-WARNING **: Error guardando
Â~/.evolution/mail/local/Sent (mbox)Â: El resumen y la carpeta no
coinciden, incluso despuÃs de sincronizar

This reads "Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync" and is
answered here:

I have been taking a look on that, and is confusing as there is no file
ending in .ev-summary.

% ls .evolution/mail/local/Inbox*
.evolution/mail/local/Inbox        .evolution/mail/local/Inbox.ev-summary       
.evolution/mail/local/Inbox.cmeta  .evolution/mail/local/Inbox.ev-summary-meta  
And this is mine output

javor javor-desktop:~$ ls -d .evolution/mail/local/Inbox*
.evolution/mail/local/Inbox  .evolution/mail/local/Inbox.cmeta  .evolution/mail/local/Inbox.ibex.index  
.evolution/mail/local/  .evolution/mail/local/Inbox.sbd

So I don't have that ev-sumary files. I don't know why :[

I hace deleted .cmeta .ibex.index and files, and
continues to give the same error :(

Assuming you completely stopped Evo before deleting the files (using
"evolution --force-shutdown") and then restarted it after deleting them,
it should work. However in an earlier message you reported errors such

        (evolution:6481): camel-local-provider-WARNING **: Didn't get the next
        message where I expected (196440720) got 196443297 instead
I suppose it's possible that your mbox files are actually corrupted. One
way to check is with the 'formail' program (part of the 'procmail'
package), which can clean up certain kinds of errors in mbox files.

Finally the proble was Sent mailbox file corruption.

Moving it to sent.old and runnig

formail -ds  < sent.old >> Sent

And deleting Sent.* files solved the problems. :)

Thank you very much for your help!!!!!

Javier Vilarroig Christensen
X Infor
sip:javier vilarroig ekiga net
mailto:javier vilarroig gmail com

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