Re: [Evolution] Calendar Crashes

For a while I've been suffering crashed of Evo when switching to the
Calendar.  I had sort of assumed that it was something buggy with 2.24.x
and I knew that 2.26.x was better.  Well I've just installed F11 with
Evo 2.26.2 and it's still crashing.

please try this on the console, after you close evolution:
   $ evolution --force-shutdown
   $ gdb evolution --batch --ex r --ex "t a a bt" &>bt.log
and then try to reproduce the crash. If I wrote the gdb command
properly, then the bt.log should contain all the information where it
crashed. I suppose you've installed debug info packages at least for
evolution, evolution-data-server, gtkhtml3.

In case the gdb command will reject to run, do run it without "--batch"
and without the "&>bt.log" at the end. Please file a bug report with the
data you'll see in the bt.log (or gdb console) and let's move there.

OK.  Bug filed #585585
I see from the output that it's also throwing a SIGSEGV in libpango ??


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