Re: [Evolution] Can Evolution write tasks to any remote type of storage?

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:19:29PM +0100, Han Pilmeyer wrote:
   On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 10:29 +0000, Chris G wrote:

 So what calendar server can Evolution *write* to?  If it can't write
 to the calendar server then it makes Evolution totally redundant
 in this sort of situation doesn't it?

 I can see no point at all in running Evolution to handle personal
 calendars, tasks etc. and then having to use a *different* system to
 handle shared tasks.

 How about adding the same CalDAV/Google calendar to Evolution for your wife and yourself?

That appears to be the answer I want, yes.  It just wasn't clear
initially that Evolution *can* write to CalDAV servers but not to
webcal:// ones.  I *did* search quite hard through the Evolution
documentation to find this out for myself but couldn't find anything

Anyway thanks all, I'm off to install a CalDAV server of soem sort on
my little server machine here.

Chris Green

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