Re: [Evolution] How do you install 2.29 on Ubuntu 9.10?

On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 12:02 -0800, Bryan Karlan wrote:
Ah... Yet another Linux faux pas.  What in the world is top posting?  And good god, I wouldn't want to 
irritate experienced Linux personnel just because I'm interested in learning about the program(s).

You people make wanting to learn about this system, which has potential, into an excuse to flame those who 
aren't in the know.

Forget it, I'm at the point of just paying $300 for Windows 7 and $300 for Office 2010 in 6 months.  At 
least I'll get support from Indians who want to help, even if I can't understand them.

Pathetic.  Absolutely pathetic.


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick O'Callaghan [mailto:poc usb ve] 
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 5:27 AM
To: evolution-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Evolution] How do you install 2.29 on Ubuntu 9.10?

On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 18:52 -0800, Bryan Karlan wrote:
Thank you for all that.  I just figured that pre-release was a beta.  And I
used Windows 7 beta for the last 9 months.  6 of which, it was far more
stable than Vista.  So I figured this to be the same.  I guess not.

Completely different scenario. You should re-read what has already been
said about this. Windows "beta" versions are essentially working systems
that just need some polishing before MS commits to full-scale public
support. Evo pre-release versions, especially early in the development
cycle, are really only aimed at people wanting to test and improve the
software itself by compiling, debugging and hacking on the source code.
IOW they are the equivalent of *internal* MS test versions, which of
course the public never sees.

I have some changes that I want to recommend to whoever is designing this.
It looks like Outlook, but is far less functional.  As such, it is not an
outlook replacement.  But it is getting better.  Microsoft has made the
current Outlook more fancy but only a bit more functional.  If you could
keep the simple interface and bring in features that a business user like me
would crave then I would take this program quickly.  

I have posted my desires for the improvements elsewhere but did not hear
anything back.  Could you tell me where to post this?


PS Please don't top-post on this list. It's an Outlook-ism that many
people find very irritating and counter-productive.

Hey Bryan,

I am really sorry about the experience you had. Years ago when I was
first exposed to GNU, I had similar experiences. What I later learnt was
that, although many of those knowledgeable come off as social retards,
and although often they are, they aren't trying to pick a fight or get a
rise out of you. It's just the way they are. Learning to communicate
with them is like learning a new language or API and knowing how to ask
a question that doesn't trigger any claymores can be difficult at first.

Be well,

Kip Warner -- Software Developer
President & CEO Kshatra Corp.
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