Re: [Evolution] migration strategies - Help!

On Thu, 2009-04-30 at 06:19 -0400, Art Alexion wrote:
Why would you install 8.10? The current version is 9.04, and the long
term support release is 8.04.

And if you're really concerned about evolution, ubuntu 8.10 includes evo
2.24, which is the most bug-riddled release of evolution I've ever been
exposed to.  It's right after a major rewrite of the backend metadata
storage mechanism, and has all kinds of related kinks that weren't
worked out yet.  2.26 (the evo in ubuntu 9.04) is *much* more stable,
and 2.22 (the evo in ubuntu 8.04, before the backend-rewrite) was pretty
rock-solid for me.

Brett Johnson <brett hp com>

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