Re: [Evolution] Evolution and Exchange 2007 (aka 5.5) on Fedora - port 135

On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 10:48 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 15:55 +0200, Valent Turkovic wrote:
I tracked the issue and got a confirmation on irc that the port 135
needs to be opened on corporate firewall in order for mapi-provider to
work. I thought that ports 80 and 443 were enough because older
evolution-exchange provider worked like that, and I saw no mention of
this on official FAQ.
If you have access to the server then there are several guides online on
how to configure exchange / outlook under a firewall. 

Would be nice if this could be tested with the provider :)

Thanks a lot ! 

The Evolution Exchange connector uses the Exchange Open Web Access (OWA)
interface, which is essentially the Exchange webmail interface, to
contact Exchange.  Thus, to use the connector you need to have the Web
ports open (80 and 443, for HTTP and HTTPS respectively).

However, the new mapi-provider backend talks to the server using
Microsoft MAPI protocol, which is the same protocol that Outlook uses to
talk to Exchange.  This protocol uses different ports, of course, since
it's a different protocol.

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