Re: [Evolution] How to sync Evolution local mbox mail from desktop to laptop?

On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 23:57 +1100, Nick Jenkins wrote:
Hi all,

Quick question: How do I sync my local MBOX mail between a desktop
machine and a laptop? At least to start with, I only want my local mail
synced in one direction (desktop -> laptop), so that I have access to my
old mail archives whilst travelling, even if I don't have Internet

Currently, I am using a script which I got from the archives of this
mailing list, namely:
if [ ! $1 ]
    echo "usage: $(basename $0) <destination host>"
    exit 0


ssh $TO_HOST DISPLAY=:0 evolution --force-shutdown
evolution --force-shutdown
gconftool-2 --dump /apps/evolution > $GCONF_DUMP

rsync -av --delete ~/.evolution $TO_HOST:
ssh $TO_HOST DISPLAY=:0 gconftool-2 --load=$GCONF_DUMP

The above script does everything apart from the local mail (does tasks,
calendar, memos, IMAP accounts, etc). However, for local MBOX mail, it
looks like it has worked (e.g. shows a folder as having unread mail),
but when you click on it, the hard disk light goes for a bit, and then
it decides that the mail folder is actually empty (i.e. you cannot
access any of the individual mail items through evolution).

The problem could be that the script is copying *everything*, including
index files, summaries, filters etc. Some of these (e.g. filters) are
not portable between machines, and others (index and summary files) can
be reconstructed by Evo as long as the messages are there. You could try
deleting ~/.evolution/mail/local/path/to/folder/*.* on the target
machine (except for *.sbd which are subfolders) and restarting Evo to
see what happens.


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