Re: [Evolution] Gmail: "Error storing folder ."

On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 16:46 -0500, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Evo is the best for Exchange; kmail seems much better with Gmail

I have zero interest in Exchange. I keep having to find reasons (other
than inertia) for sticking with Evo. I may re-evaluate the situation
when Kmail moves to KDE4.

I get the impression you've been at this long enough that you don't need
the warning, but I'll give it anyway.  kmail 1.9.9 & 1.9.10 work well
(except for disconnected IMAP).  Most KDE 4 stuff is still pretty buggy,
and not something I would want to depend upon.  I assume kmail 2 with
akondi will be really good, but I doubt it won't have some serious
problems in its initial iteration.

Art Alexion
Resources for Human Development, Inc.          215-951-0300 x3075
4700 Wissahickon Ave.                                 art rhd org
Philadelphia, PA 19144                      

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