Re: [Evolution] Syncevolution doesen install on Ubntu Hardy

On Sun, 2008-05-04 at 14:11 +0200, Adjua wrote:
Die folgenden Pakete haben verletzte Abhängigkeiten:
  syncevolution-evolution-2.6: Hängt ab: libebook1.2-5 (>= 1.6.3) , 
welches ein virtuelles Paket ist.
                               Hängt ab: libecal1.2-6 (>= 1.6.3) , 
welches ein virtuelles Paket ist.
                               Hängt ab: libedataserver1.2-7 (>=
, welches ein virtuelles Paket ist.
Resolving dependencies...

I see. As you found out, Ubuntu Dapper has a slightly older Evolution
release than Debian Etch, 1.6.1 instead of 1.6.3. That means that the
package dependencies are not satisfied, although the binaries themselves
probably work regardless.

Would it be okay for you to just use the binary in the .tar.gz? If those
work for you, then I might override the dependencies in future builds so
that you can install the .deb directly.

I suppose, it is easy to understand even in German...

Indeed, in particular as German happens to be my native language ;-)

Bye, Patrick Ohly
Patrick Ohly gmx de

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