Re: [Evolution] Deleting multiple (real many) same calendar entries

Just for the records:

it worked by simply shutting down Evolution and then editing the
calendar.ics file with a text editor... and of course to issue one
overwrite of the palm at the next sync...


Am Montag, den 17.03.2008, 10:54 +0100 schrieb Stephan Skrodzki:
Hi there,

after trying to sync an overnight flight entry  between Evo and my palm,
it ended up in having this entry now in every day of my calendar as a
_single_ entry (not as a reoccurring one!). 

Is there a way to delete such an entry automatically?

I guess I will move soon to a local funambol instance for syncing
between Palm and Evo. The palm syncing right now works really to bad:
adresses which I change in Evo are not updated, Calendar produces
fancies like above, Notes from Evo are not synced to palm... 

Anybody made better experiences with funambol for this?


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