Re: [Evolution] Plugin for Evolution

So I spent some time actually looking at the appointment items from an
Exchange server through IMAP not MAPI.

Here is what I found with out too much digging.
Appointment items come in two type of message a plain single part
message or a multi part message in MIME Format.

The single part message has as its body a vcal nothing fancy.

The multi part message has as one of it parts and item that is
"Content-class: urn:content-classes:appointment"  and its content is a

So basically if I read Calendar folder through IMAP from an exchange
server I can see all the calendar information.  This information
mearly needs to be sorted and presented to the calendar application in
Evolution.  My thinking is that a Plug In that allows you to identify
an IMAP folder as a Calendar can pretty much solve this.  You would
lose the ability to see other peoples calendars but other people
should still be able to see yours.  I imagine the contacts and tasks
and notes function on a similar principle but I have not checked them.

Does anyone know where I might find code from a plugin that does
something similar as I'd be willing to take a look and see if I can
copy it for IMAP.

If this should be on the developer list let me know and I'll repost their.



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