Re: [Evolution] e_dbhash_new not found

Am Dienstag, den 10.06.2008, 13:50 +0530 schrieb Johnny Jacob:
On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 10:15 +0200, Rainer Klier wrote:
Am Dienstag, den 10.06.2008, 13:19 +0530 schrieb Johnny Jacob:
On Fri, 2008-06-06 at 08:34 +0200, Rainer Klier wrote:

so why or where is the bug, why 2.23.3 doesn't find e_dbhash_new whereas
2.23.1 has no problems finding it.

this problem first occured in version 2.23.2.

does anybody know where this problem comes from?

This is fixed in trunk.

this link leads to the changelog of the changelog ;-)

but where do i find the patch/diff for the sourceode, or the already
patched sourcecode?

it worked!
after patching the file and doing a autoconf, configure,
make and  make install it works now!

thanks alot!
einen schÃnen Tag noch, & bitte kein TOFU (
Rainer Klier
IT Infrastructure-Server-Database Engineer
ïTGW Systems Integration GmbH                BauernstraÃe 11, A-4600 Wels
Tel. ++43/7242/66200                        Fax ++43/7242/66200-200
mailto:rainer klier tgw-group com 
Fb-Nummer 171431f                           Landesgericht Wels

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