Re: [Evolution] Evo started asking for Keyring password every time I start Evo

Hi there,

same here. Everytime I start Evo, the question for the keyring-password
popped up. For me, it seemes to depend on a change of general (gnome)
settings I did some day before: I had switched the auto-login in
system-settings to "yes". After switching it to "no" again, the question
for the password didn't come up again at Evo's startup.


Am Montag, den 02.06.2008, 09:54 -0500 schrieb HggdH:
On 2008-06-02 Peter has written:

3. When I try to write a reply or a new mail on Evolution (on Xubuntu
Hardy), the moment I bring up a new email form, my CPU usage skyrockets
to 99% and stays there until I shut Evolution down and restart it. I've
used the system monitor to see which programs were responsible,
and they were Evolution and Gnome Keyring, with Gnome keyring
accounting for more than half of the combined CPU use. Which is why I'm
using a back-up email program at the moment...

(This actually applies to both Peter and the previous poster,

Have you opened a bug on Launchpad ( I
think Ubuntu is running with some additional patches regarding
gnome-keyring integration.

Also -- we have put some new proposed fixes for Evolution Hardy. You
will have to enable the pre-release updates on
System/Administration/Software Sources/Updates to get it; then update
the repositories, then select & install *all* evolution packages;
finally, on a terminal, issue 'evolution --force-shutdown', and restart

If all the above applies, and you still have the issue, then we will
need more hard data, but the best way is to have a bug reported to
start with.


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Patric Schira
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