Re: [Evolution] Evo started asking for Keyring password every time I start Evo

On Mon, 02 Jun 2008 09:29:51 -0400
Dinbandhu <dinbandhu sprynet com> wrote:



To which I'd like to add:  

3. When I try to write a reply or a new mail on Evolution (on Xubuntu
Hardy), the moment I bring up a new email form, my CPU usage skyrockets
to 99% and stays there until I shut Evolution down and restart it. I've
used the system monitor to see which programs were responsible,
and they were Evolution and Gnome Keyring, with Gnome keyring
accounting for more than half of the combined CPU use. Which is why I'm
using a back-up email program at the moment...

With best regards,


Peter N. Spotts | Science reporter
The Christian Science Monitor
One Norway Street, Boston, MA 02115 USA
Office: 617-450-2449 | Office-in-home: 508-520-3139
Email: pspotts alum mit edu | Amateur-radio call: KC1JB |

"The knack of flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss." 
            -- Douglas Adams, "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

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