Re: [Evolution] Evolution fails to see some messages in Inbox

I've had a short exchange with Patrick O'Callaghan off list; this is my
reply to his latest, which may be of general interest.

I have caused some confusion by not making it clear that my copy of
Evolution runs stand-alone; i.e. it gets it mail from a POP server and
sends mail to an SMTP server.  There are no other mail servers involved.

On Wed, 2008-07-02 at 08:52 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 23:12 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 17:11 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

1) Stop Evo completely ("evolution --force-shutdown")
2) rm -f ~/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox.ev-summary
3) Restart Evo

According to, the .ev-summary
file indexes all the messages in the folder. If that doesn't work, try
removing ~/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox.ibex.* as well (which index the
contents of messages).

I just deleted all of the files Inbox.ev-summary* and Inbox.ibex.index*.
When Evolution was restarted, it recreated them all apparently
successfully.  However the original problem remains, namely nothing
shows up on the message summary window earlier than Sept 11 2007, but I
can find earlier messages by searching the account though not by
searching the folder.

If people are interested, I can post logs of the restart, which was
done from a terminal.  I can't send the Inbox file because it's pretty
big (179 Megabytes) and because it contains private correspondence.
However I'll be glad to look into this however I can.

BTW: Can you enlighten me about the file layout in the .../local/
folder?  For example:

 $ ll Inbox*
-rw------- 1 jonrysh jonrysh 186272178 Jul  1 22:14 Inbox
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonrysh jonrysh       267 Jul  1 22:17 Inbox.cmeta
-rw------- 1 jonrysh jonrysh   1460330 Jul  1 22:14 Inbox.ev-summary
-rw------- 1 jonrysh jonrysh    361809 Jul  1 22:14 Inbox.ev-summary-meta
-rw------- 1 jonrysh jonrysh   5219328 Jul  1 22:14 Inbox.ibex.index
-rw------- 1 jonrysh jonrysh  11714064 Jul  1 22:14

shows a number of files, in particular Inbox.ev-summary-meta that I
don't see mentioned anywhere.  I suppose I should delete this file also.
Is there much risk of permanent data loss as long is Inbox remains?  I
assume that these files will be regenerated automatically when Evo

I assume the same (I'm not an Evo developer). The .ev-summary file
apparently contains some message state information (e.g. Read,
Replied, ...) which would be lost. Also be sure to do an Empty Trash
before stopping Evo, to clean out the Inbox. I think the .cmeta file
contains things like Evo's current screen coordinates, which isn't

It seems to be
about problems with evolution communicating with a server of some kind,
and to have advice about removing a folder called
My machine has no evolution server, and no such folder.  So it seemed
useful to put the email into the bug comments.

That's because the bug is related to Exchange servers, which isn't your

I'm not very familiar with evolution internals (as you see), but I'm not
so sure that the bug has to do with communicating with Exchange servers.
Reading the comments (most of them) the bug seems not to be  well
understood.  Maybe (say) it has to do with very large folders, which
have only occurred so far on systems using Exchange servers.

Thanks very much for all the time you've put into this.

No problem. I've been helped many times by other people on mailing

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