Re: [Evolution] Slow response

On Mon, 2007-09-03 at 09:26 +0100, Peter Saffrey wrote:
OK, that last problem has been fixed and Evolution now starts
properly. I have no idea why that library was not present as it should
be, but now it is. 

I suspect it was related to the problem with evo install failing.  This
is still present, although now it's failing because of scrollkeeper
permissions errors instead of incorrectly installed shared libs.

However, Evo still isn't quite working for me. This time, it's the
Exchange configuration. At the receiving messages stage, I do not get
all the entry boxes I need to fill in the necessary details. I've
attached a screenshot of the dialog that I get.

Unfortunately, your mail client encapsulated the screenshot in ms-tnef
(Microsoft Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format) which is a
proprietary Microsoft encapsulation format that I don't have a decoder
for on my Linux system.  So, I can't see it.  Maybe you could convince
your mail client to use a standards based encoding such as base64 or

I don't remember what version of Evo you were using before, but note
that newer versions have a significantly simpler screen for entering
Exchange account information.  Basically you'll be asked only for two
things: a username and a URL; if that's what you're seeing then this is
absolutely correct and not a bug.


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