Re: [Evolution] Moving form M$ Outlook to Evo

On Nov 27, 2007 10:05 PM, Christopher M Bailey <Chris chrisbailey au com> wrote:
> I've finally convinced my wife to switch from M$ Outlook to Evo on her
> Doze XP box :)  and what I need to do is find a way to convert her .PST
> files to a format Evo is happy with.  Can anybody give me some insight
> or anecdotes on there experiences and procedures undertaken?

I've been told that this is not the best approach, but I converted all my email from Outlook to Netscape, then imported everything I could from there.  I am not certain that this actually worked on ALL of my email, but the ones that I originally thought were missing eventually turned up later, so this is one possibility.

I've also been told that using Thunderbird as the intermediary is another, better choice (I don' use Thunderbird).

There are probably others, including IMAP transfer, but I don't know how to do that (yet).


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