Re: [Evolution] Moving to Evo from Thunderbird?

On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 13:37 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Tomorrow Fedora 8 will be released so I'll be able to upgrade and
hopefully these issues will go away, but it's annoying to try and stay
up with the latest Evo's only to find some missing funcionality for
reasons that are not clear. Before anyone asks, upgrading to the
version means installing a large number of additional packages so I
don't care to do that, having had other stability problems with
Rawhide in the past.

In case anyone was wondering, I did the upgrade to Fedora 8 and none of
the problems I've complained about recently have gone away, to wit:

* Frequent freezes in the UI while composing messages.
* Other freezes while Evo contacts servers -- it doesn't seem to be
multithreaded in any meaningful sense.
* Complete non-funcionality of spam filtering (Bogofilter), which used
to work well and now doesn't work at all.

Caveats: 1) this is an upgrade, not a reinstall. It's not impossible
that some of these problems are due to this. 2) I'll be wiping my
Bogofilter database and starting again, just to see what happens.


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