Re: [Evolution] Modify the widget height


On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 09:22 +0800, MARK wrote:
Dear All:
    Our project is planning to transplant the evolution to the low-cost 
PC, on which the screen resolution is 800*400.  When the evolution 
Try using thunderbird, it is "lighter".

starts, the widget of the main window and the assistant widget is out of 
the screen rang, so I can't  see the bottom of the widget and can't use 
the "OK", "forward","backward" button .  I try to modify the source , 
but the source code is too big, I can't locate which c file can help me 
change the widget height.
    Can anyone give me a hand?

With most windiw manger to drag a window around, press "alt" on keyboard
and press "right" mouse button


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