Re: [Evolution] evolution misses mail size filtering


On Sat, 2007-05-26 at 23:06 +0200, Derk Jan & Harriet Poel wrote:
hi there,

evolution is a great mailer, but (there always is a but huh?! :-) ) I
cant use it because it does not have a download size filter (a filter
that prevents auto downloading of large emails). 
I am a dial up user and because of that I need to be able to
selectively download larger emails. I can not imagine that I am the
only gnome dial up user on the planet that would be interested in such
a feature, am I!?
Tough luck . Mail attached .

Can anybody tell me if  Evo will get some kind of server side
filtering on email sizes in the near future? I did not find in the new
gnome roadmap :( 
I really enjoy Gnome and Evo, but this email filtering on size that is
missing in evolution is really blocking me from using it. 

In our sister desktop the way it is implemented in Kmail is really
cool (sorry, but it is)! They show a window with a list of headers of
only those emails that are larger than a configurable size and per
email you can then select: download, delete or leave on server.  
There is a (much) less sophisticated way in Thunderbird where only
part of the email is downloaded and there is some standard text and a
link in the email that, when clicked on, retrieves the rest of the
mail. This would work as long as it downloads at least all of the
text... which it does not do in Thunderbird...

This is something i really miss in Evo! Am I the only one?! 

So (for now) Thunderbird is my only option. Please, would it be
possible to add this feature in Evo in (one of) the next release(s)? 

Thanx for your your great work sofar and for your reply.

deech - a hoping-to-be-using-evo-soon gnome fan!

Maseru, Lesotho 
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On 4/3/07, Ritesh Khadgaray <khadgaray gmail com> wrote:

On Mon, 2007-03-26 at 23:38 +0200, Derk Jan & Harriet Poel wrote:

can anyway tell me if evolution has a download size filter like kmail
or thunderbird (to prevent downloading of large emails)?
I am a gnome dial up user and I need to be able to selectively
download larger emails.

I found the size filter in"Edit - Message Filters - Add" but this mail
size filter here only applies to email already downloaded to the pc.
Then you can apply filter rules based on size....

Found any answer ?
I'am on dial-up ( edge/gprs ) for next one week :)

I'm on GPRS all the time, and was hit by this issue for a very long
time now. So thought of doing something about it. I've captured the
steps in the following article:

Hope this helps in someway. Please let me know your comments and
suggestions in improving the above article.

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