Re: [Evolution] making email available for others

On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 18:40 -0400, carpetnailz wrote:
I need to make a bunch of emails available to my attorney, who of course
doesn't have Evolution or Linux. I could forward them all to her, but is
there some other way to make them available? I tried to examine them in
gedit, but not only is it very hard to read, with all the header info
etc, but there's a lot of gobbledy-gook which I can't make heads or
tails of (but suspect may be the attachments?).
Attach all the emails into one mail, and send it ?

Alternatively, you can copy all of the emails into one folder, zip and
mail the folder. This folder can be imported by outlook ( outlook
supports mbox import )

Running evolution 2.10.1 on Ubuntu Feisty. By the way, I get nothing
when I click on contents in the help menu. And there doesn't seem to be
anything about exporting in the online documentation. So I'm guessing
there isn't a way.

afaik, you would need groupwise/exchange account to share folder between
two user's sharing account on the same server .


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