Re: [Evolution] gnome dialer: can have more than one set up?

On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 19:55 -0400, Dinbandhu wrote:
Hello all,
I've just set up Ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop and started using evolution.

Two quick questions:

1. I live in a rural area that still only has dial-up modem access. I
sometimes need to dial up from one or another account, and so like to
have three different dialer icons set up on my desktop, one for each
account. Is this possible with Gnome PPP? If so, how do you do it?
Alternatively, you should be able to add three different enteries to
Network Manager applet as - Connect to X, Conn .. Y, and Conn .. Z .

2. Is it possible to keep separate evolution applications for each
e-mail account? That is, to open a separate "evolution" program with a
separate in-box for each e-mail account? With all separate folders for
each e-mail account? Or does one have to receive mail from all one's
various e-mail accounts into the same "in-box", in the same application?
For example, can one have 4 different versions of evolution open at the
same time, each dealing with a separate e-mail account?
I would suggest using Thunderbid, or Opera M2 mail client for this case.

Evolution allows for multiple window, and needs filter to sort out mails
between multiple accounts . 


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Ritesh Khadgaray
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