Re: [Evolution] E-mail tracking - workflow inquiry

El miÃ, 09-05-2007 a las 15:12 -0600, Brett Johnson escribiÃ:
On Wed, 2007-05-09 at 19:00 +0200, Javier Kohen wrote:
Assuming that you also sort your e-mail in folders according to source,
or projects, or mailing lists, or any other criteria, how do you scale
your two-bit system to cope with multiple folders?

Maybe I don't understand your question.  This method works on any
folder/inbox you employ it on.  Are you looking for a single place to
see all of your "need to follow up" emails?  If so, just create a
virtual folder which searches all the relevant folders for emails
flagged with "follow up" or "important".

If you read my original post you'll find out that that is exactly what
I'm doing now. However, it's been suggested that such usage of virtual
folders might be the cause of Evolution consuming several hundreds of
megabytes of RAM at any time. I'm trying to free up some RAM so I can
work more smoothly in other applications, so I'd like to avoid this
"umbrella" virtual folder.

I had to upgrade the computer to 2 GB of RAM because 1 GB wasn't enough:
Evolution was taking over 1/3 of it and I don't think my mailboxes are
that big, really.

Javier Kohen <jkohen users sourceforge net>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802
Jabber: jkohen jabber org

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