Re: [Evolution] E-mail tracking - workflow inquiry

El miÃ, 09-05-2007 a las 10:55 -0600, Brett Johnson escribiÃ:
On Wed, 2007-05-09 at 14:17 +0000, Javier Kohen wrote: 
In particular, I would like to hear how you keep all your pending e-mail
at a glance. That is, how you track unread e-mail (this one is easy by
default), but also e-mail you have read, but still need to act upon.

I use a two-bit system :o)

First, I have a custom sort on my inbox view, which sorts on the
"Important" IMAP attribute, and the "Followup" evolution flag first.
Then if I need to respond to an email eventually, I'll right-click on
the message and select "Mark for followup...".  Sometimes I'll also
select "Mark as important" to flag messages as well.  The "important"
attribute is nice because it's an IMAP attribute, which means it's
stored on the server, which means it'll be there when you connect from a
different client.  The "followup" flag is only local to the current
evolution instance.

Well, this is what my current workflow looks like, only that I need to
work with two inbox folders (personal and work) and several mailing
lists, whose messages are sorted by different filters into corresponding

Assuming that you also sort your e-mail in folders according to source,
or projects, or mailing lists, or any other criteria, how do you scale
your two-bit system to cope with multiple folders?

Javier Kohen <jkohen users sourceforge net>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802
Jabber: jkohen jabber org

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