Re: [Evolution] Very serious problem with evo-exchange 2.11.5

On Thu, 2007-07-12 at 09:09 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
This seems to have fixed the flakiness about first delete times and
showing only part of the Inbox, as far as I can tell after
stopping/starting a few times and not seeing these problems.  However,
the partial Inbox situation didn't happen immediately the first time
so it's also possible I just haven't hit it yet.

I just hadn't hit it yet :-/.  When I went to work I found that my work
system (also running Evo SVN HEAD, 2.11.5) had magically "disappeared"
most of my Inbox while I was at home, just like my home Evo did.

I removed the .evolution/exchange and .evolution/mail/exchange
directories at work, and then my Evo there was fine for almost the
entire day; I was beginning to think the problem was solved.

However, about 5pm or so it happened again: my work Inbox went from
having 130 message in it to having 4.  Note that it's not just that
there are only four summary lines shown: the counter of messages above
the folder bar ALSO says there are only 4 messages there.  Extremely

Stopping/starting Evo does NOT resolve this problem--since renaming the
directories does, though, I have to conclude that there is a bug
somewhere that is corrupting the exchange summary cache on disk.

And here's the kicker: when I got home my home version of Evo had ALSO
jumped to having just 4 messages in it!  When I left for work there were
130 or so, and no one was home all day (although I left my VPN running
so the Evo at home WAS keeping up with mail, etc.), and when I got home
just 4.

This seems to imply there's a "feature" of the incoming mail itself
that's instigating this corruption, NOT a GUI issue, since no one was
using the GUI.

 Paul D. Smith <psmith gnu org>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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