Re: [Evolution] Semicolon and colon


On Mi, 2007-08-22 at 11:31 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Wed, 2007-08-22 at 11:51 +0200, Daniel Nylander wrote:
 Being nice and informative towards the user is
the key issue here, not brutally follow standards.

The standards aren't enforced by Evo, all Evo is doing is assuming that
the user knows what they are doing.

But apparently the user doesn't. So notifying him wouldn't be a bad idea IMHO. I just imagine a dialog 
popping up, asking the user whether the semicolons were intended. If yes, then send the mail, if not drop him 
back to the field where the semicolons have been entered. The user would be able to click a "don't show me 
again" checkbox as well.


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