[Evolution] Attaching images - auto resize.

Hello All,

Tony Brow mentioned this one already about resizing images through Evolution.  While I realise this isn't the job of the mail client per se, but from a users perspective (especially a windows migrator) the ability of evolution to resize images would be a big plus - is it possible for Evolution to throw a warning when you have a 2 meg pic attached and say "your sending a huge picture and about to crash someones mailbox - would you like to resize?" and have it use GIMP or something similar to resize.  I would have thought the plug-in aspect of Evolution would allow this relatively easily?

This could then be extended to "your sending a huge bin file would you like to zip it?". 

These aren't functions of a plain mail client but evolution is no longer a pure mail client and usability features like this will increase adoption.


Kye Macdonald

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