Re: [Evolution] major problem: changing my Linux without loosing my Evolution mail...

On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 17:52 +0100, Joao Miguel Ferreira wrote:
thanks a lot. it worked. I had tried that option but I had never used
the "Import single file" option.. I was expecting to import

It works, dispite it is a hard work having to import folder-by-folder...

do you know any way to import the whole set of folders ?

Yeah, that sounds painful.  I'm surprised you had to do it that way.

It may be that all the shifting around of files that you say you did
confused the importer.  I think it expects certain files to be in
certain places.  But I don't know, I've not used the Import Assistant
very much.

Glad it's working for you, though.

Matthew Barnes

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