Re: [Evolution] "Evolution can not start" dialog

hi iain,

On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 21:07 +0930, Iain Buchanan wrote:
Your system configuration does not match your Evolution configuration.

When I click help, a browser opens to
which simply says:
FAQ (There is currently no text in this page)

yeah... the FAQ does not exist yet.

I have no idea what this means or how to fix it. 

quoting harish:
"The message means what it says - The configuration is not what it
should be for the application to run well.

The work-arounds suggested all refer to environments where multiple
versions of evolution/eds co-exist - and tell you how to recover from a
bad combination.

The action required towards a full solution is to get the environment to
a valid state - remove conflicting versions or isolating matched
versions in your shell environment through proper settings to

So this is not a 'bug' that can be fixed by modifying the code. What may
be a bug indeed is documentation (or a lack of it) on the prevention and
recovery of such errors."

Any ideas?

1) evolution --force-shutdown
2) pkill evolution
3) export BONOBO_ACTIVATION_PATH=<your-build-prefix/lib/bonobo/servers
4) run evolution again.

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