Re: [Evolution] "generic error" subscribing to another users calendar

On 5/22/06, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:

no, it's just what it says: there is no such file. it's the wrong place
you're looking for. i *assume* (i don't have evolution-exchange
installed) that it's located at

I guess at this point the question is:

to what does ${install_prefix}/ refer?? in the example command given at

Is ${install_prefix} a place-holder meant to be replaced by a literal?
Or is it an environment variable that I leave as is, to be filled
automagically by the system?

I have done a search from / for evolution-exchange-storage and it was
found only in /opt/gnome/lib/evolution/2.6/

I have as well searched from / for libexec and it was found nowhere in
the filesystem.

What am I missing, here?


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