Re: [Evolution] Cannot delete caldev, exchange calendars

On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 10:04 +0530, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:
On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 22:40 -0400, A.G. wrote:
I've got an old exchange calendar (2 actually) that still shows up under
an exchange account that has long since been disabled. Yet I cannot get
the calendar to be removed in evo. I've even tried removing the
evolution-connector rpm, to no avail.

Workaround :  [ugly, useful until the bug is fixed, applicable if you
want to get rid of the account]
1. Fire up your GConf-Editor, choose apps->evolution->calendar->sources
and carefully delete entries related to CalDAV/Exchange. 
2. evolution --force-shutdown
3. Start using evolution again :-)


Aha, thanks greatly! gconf was the only place I hadn't looked in.

prothonotar at tarnation dot dyndns dot org

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