Re: [Evolution] addressbook only partly visible (2nd time)

guenther wrote:

1; What I did was an upgrade from FC4 to FC5 but -unknowingly - the procedure crashed due to an error in reading the DVD, removing but not reinstalling practically all X-applications, including Evolution.
2.   I saved all subdirectories of $home related to evolution (also .gconf).
3. Of course I restored the directories before (re)starting evolution (most live CD's try to think for you, and start a.o. evolution so I had to shut-down evolution).

That means e-d-s was running as well. When restoring your ~/.evolution/
and ~/.gconf/ dirs, you need to make sure e-d-s and gconfd respectively
are not running, as they do hold the relevant data in memory and don't
care if someone forcefully changed the data on disk without their

For reference, it has "proofed to work" to shutdown both these processes
*before* and *after* restoring the data and settings. By "working" I
mean, I used these steps quite often when talking desperate users though
the process of saving their balls, err, data on IRC. ;-)  Note though,
that this possibly /can/ fail, and the odds for this failing most likely
get higher when actually using the desktop while restoring. By shutting
down I mean running these commands:

$ evolution --force-shutdown
$ gconftool-2 --shutdown

4. Thanks for the link to the archives.
5. What I asked for was a simple application (or a detailed description of the format) to display the information addressbook.db in human readable format (like addressbook.db.summary can be read with a simple ascii reader (vi) to extract the data when evolution is unreachable. I

The detailed description of the format would be "Berkeley DB". :)

have solved it by exporting the address database as a vCard file. Now at least I can recover the content (OK, in a rather clumsy way) and read it with vi (I tried a MSW addresbook reader (not Outlook!) to import to but that was unsuccessful). Anyway with the help of Andre and now you I have succeeded to communicate again with my network (mostly musicians) and I am very relieved.

Good to hear this. :)


Guenther thanks,
I am familiar with shutting down gconf with gconftool, but forget it too often ! (stupid me I know). But I'm very happy with your mentioning of the database format as I can easily find it and eventually write a simple Perl script to directly read addressbook.db.
Thanks again

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