Re: [Evolution] Offline copy of messages

On 5/8/06, Paul Lemmons <paul lemmons tmcaz com> wrote:
I am clearly not understanding a couple things and need some

Here is my goal: I wish to copy the entire message to local storage when
it is found on the exchange server.

Since evo is so slow to "get started" I am hoping for this, too ... I
still owe someone stats on my mailbox so they can check into the
slowness I have seen ...

Aside from stability issues which I am addressing elsewhere I am not
seeing what I expect. I have set the "Automatically synchronize account
locally" turned on in the Edit->Preferences->Receiving options for the
account. I watch the status line as Evolution checks for changes and
refreshes folders and I do see the status line say "Downloading messages
for offline viewing".

I see the same

It does not appear to be doing it for all folders,
though because when I go to view a message I get the status "Retrieving
message". My thinking (which may be wrong) is that if the account is
synchronized I should always be reading the messages from local storage,
not the server.

It seems to *never* finish the process of "retrieving message for
offline viewing" -- or it is incredibly slow

I have also noticed that the folders themselves have the property of
"Copy folder contents locally for offline operation". These appear to be
on a folder by folder basis. I have dozens of folders and do not want to
have to manage them individually. I will if I have to but it seems the
"Automatically synchronize account locally" setting should do what I am
wanting for all folders.

I just noticed this detail about all the subfolders, too ... so I have
gone about selecting "Copy folder contents locally for offline
operation" for each of my main sub-folders. I am hoping that the
setting "flows down" to the sub-sub-sub folders?

*anyone know whether this setting flows down?*

A push in the right direction would be very much appreciated.

looking for the same push ...

I did discover something by accident just a bit ago. I suffered one of
the frustrating episodes of not being able to login. Upon startup Evo
wil prompt for password, and always reject it ... sometimes if I do it
for 5-10 times in a row, it will then work. Sometimes I have to leave
it alone for 1/2 hour, then it works. Sometimes I seem to have to auth
to OWA first, then it goes  .. today, I clicked the "evolution is
currently online" button in the lower left corner, to make it go "off
line". There were quite a few messages there, dating back to spring of
05 ... and as late as sept of 05. Nothing newer. And only some folders
(I did not really look closely at that, unfortunately).

As soon as I went off-line, I then went back on-line, and -- without
prompting for password -- evo connected to my exchange account, and
began synching. That's when I set the local download for tons of
folders and it is now ... busy doing that. We shall see if this speeds
things up in the long run ...


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