Re: [Evolution] Evolution time off after DST

hi rob,

Am Mittwoch, den 12.07.2006, 11:08 -0400 schrieb Rob Rheault:
I am currently using Evolution on FC4 and have the following
problem. When I send an email to anyone using Outlook the time the
message is received is listing it as an hour ahead of when I actually
sent it. Even though the recipient receives the email just seconds
after I hit the the send button. This started happening after daylight
savings time. Needless to say this is annoying several Outlook users
here who sort their inbox by time the email was received. I have tried
countless things including disabling NTP, making sure the correct
timezone is selected in both the OS and in Evolution and still no
luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

i don't know much of that stuff, but *perhaps* it could be related to which will be fixed in
evolution 2.6.3.

which timezone are you in?

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