Re: [Evolution] Spam Filtering


    I have been facing a problem with Spam Assassin and Evolution integration.

    My Evolution runs 24/7 on my computer and from time to time I have to restart it due to high memory consumption.  I have noticed that the evolution task usually takes about 950 MiB after some time running (2 or 3 days), evolution-data-server takes about 550 MiB and that I have dozens of spamd child processes running. I use evo 2.4.1 on Ubuntu Breezy with the last updates and SpamAssassin version 3.0.4  running on Perl version 5.8.7.

    What could be done to minimize it?

Em Seg, 2006-01-23 às 16:10 -0500, Lee Revell escreveu:
On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 15:02 -0600, Gregg Fowler wrote:
> I just started using Evolution with Ubuntu last Saturday.  While I am
> really happy with the program, I don't believe the Spam Filter is
> working correctly. At first I realized that the Spam Assasin package was
> required and I installed it. The filter still doesn't seem to catch
> much. If anyone could be of help, I would certainly appreciate it. I am
> migrating from Windows XP and am committed to making Evolution work for
> me. Thus far I really like it. I also have the remote filtering box
> checked. 

Known bug, currently the spam filtering implementation does not work, as
spamassassin does not start to work until it has learned 200 non-spam
messages, and Evo has no way to teach SA what a non-spam message ("ham")
looks like.

You can work around it by using sa-learn on the command line.  See the
spamassassin docs for more info.


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