[Evolution] Running filters on IMAP mailboxes other than INBOX

Hey everyone.  I've been using evolution for a long time, but I just now
decided to ask a question...

I've got some Evolution filters set up for my IMAP account at work.
They work fine, except that if I read my mail from another client (like
the web-based squirrelmail I use when I'm at home), the evolution
filters don't fire when I get back to work the next day.

To answer the question everyone is asking:  I have server-side
filtering, but unfortunately, my sysadmin doesn't allow us to scan the
full body of the e-mail message in the server-side filters.  Thus, the
reason for the Evolution filters.

However, the e-mails that I want to scan the body of are readily
identifiable by a header; I just want to do more filtering on them once
I see that header.  So what would be great is if I could use server-side
filtering to send them to a mailbox, and then have Evolution filtering
to finish them off.

However, it seems that Evolution doesn't allow you to have filters work
on any mailboxes except for the INBOX.  I remember finding some list
messages about this at one point, explaining why not, but I can't seem
to find them now.

Am I wrong?  Can Evolution run filters on other mailboxes?  Or is there
a solution to this problem I'm not seeing?

Thanks for your help.  Sorry for the long message.


Kenneth Swanson <kswanson watson wustl edu>

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