Re: [Evolution] Problem with evolution or pop3 server?

hi chinmay,

Am Donnerstag, den 16.02.2006, 13:41 -0800 schrieb Chinmay Jayaswal:
    I am facing very severe problem right now while using evolution.
The problem is , that I receive all the messages on server everytime i
click on send/receive button. So, if I have say 100 messages saved in
my mailbox, by clicking on send/receive button, I get all the same 100
messages again and again! Can anyone please help me out here!
Thanks in advance!

well, i assume that you have "Leave messages on server" in your account
settings enabled?

you can try to "Disable support for all POP3 extensions" in your account
preferences to see if that helps.

There are several possible reasons when this happens:
* You have got several copies in your mailbox (well, unlikely in your case)
* The mail server supports the UIDL extension yet changes the message UIDs each
* The mail server does not support UIDL (which means Evolution has to generate
UIDs using md5sums of the message headers) but the server changes the message
headers after download (usually adding a Status: or X-Status: header -
Evolution's md5sum ignores these, but Evolution may be missing other headers
that this particular server munges)
* $HOME/.evolution/mail/pop/cache-* files are not writable

hope i was confusing enough. ;-)


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