Re: [Evolution] GPG support

On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 11:46 +0100, Erik Slagter wrote:

Or even better, by clickin on a button have the key added to your

Now THAT is a great idea!  It sure would be nice to have a few feature
ported over from Mozilla-Thunderbird's Enigmail plug-in.  Seahorse picks
up much of the slack, yet some type of key management (import, hint
again) would be suburb.  

Supports OpenPGP key retrieval via proxy servers


Czar pHanGuYe

* Czar <czar czarism com>                 Czarism Systems, Inc. *
* Encrypted E-mail Preferred              PGP KeyID: 0x443C42A6 *
* The God is up high, the Czar is far away *

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