Re: [Evolution] Evolution Crashes When Sending Email - Backtrace Included


Thank you all for the help, but unfortunately it did not fix my problem.  I have submitted my issue to and the ticket number is 339575 for anyone who might want to follow-up. 

Thanks again,


On 4/24/06, Heikki Henriksen <heikkih gmail com> wrote:
lør, 22,.04.2006 kl. 11.31 -0400, skrev Mark R. White:

This seems to be a bug in evolution-exchange when running against
libglib2.10. Up until 2.6, evolution-exchange has been maintained
outside of the Debian evolution-team, so these bugs haven't been hunted
down. This will, hopefully be better in the future, and both evolution
and evolution-exchange 2.6 will reach unstable very soonish.

Hopefully the workaround in the link from Andre will help you until
these versions reach testing:

Start Evolution with a glib specific environment variable set:

  $ G_SLICE=always-malloc evolution

Cheers :)

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