Re: [Evolution] (maybe) FAQs

hej hej,

Am Mittwoch, den 05.04.2006, 21:07 +0200 schrieb nicola .:kOoLiNuS:.
i'm pretty new into Evolution. I've got some "stupid" FAQ:

...then how do you know that they are frequently asked? ;-)

- is there a way to show a "label" column that pairs with color label ?

Evolution got both colors, and labels ("important", "work", "to do"
Columns: Sorry, no way to do that.

- i have a weather voice option in Modify -> Preferences -> Task &
Calendar -> Alarms tab that is showing nothing .... since i remember
that some time ago Evolution got a "today" page with wheather info
should i enable some other things ?

What is a "weather voice option"? And why do you want to have an alarm
for weather? Hurricane warnings? ;-)
Make sure you have enabled the "Weather Calendar" plugin under "Edit >
Plugins". You can add new weather calendars by using "File > New >
Calendar", Type: Weather.

Besides, there are pretty good Gnome-panel applets out there to display
the weather in your Gnome panel.

The "Today" Summary page was removed in Evolution 2.0 for several
reasons, check the archives if you like to.

- when i backup-&-restore my /home/user/.evolution folder i see my old
emails, but i have to setup again my mail accounts and the column view
of each folder .... where are stored that other settings ? in Gconf
maybe ? How could i take them in the backup phase ?

Evolution stores your data in $HOME/.evolution/, your account settings
in $HOME/.gconf/apps/evolution and your passwords in
$HOME/.gnome2_private/Evolution. SSL Certificates are stored in
If you want to back up, I'd recommend to always shut down Evolution and
its background processes (Evolution Data Server, Evolution Alarm Notify)
completly by running "evolution --force-shutdown".

andre (this time with capital letters which will make guenther happy)

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