Re: [Evolution] Disabling Junk "vFolder"

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 08:57 +0100, David Woodhouse wrote:
All this 'Junk' stuff on the client side is entirely suboptimal, because
any well-run server will be doing it server-side.

Indeed.  _Determining_ junk belongs on the server.  Disposition of Junk
belongs on the client though.

Filtering doesn't
belong in the MUA

Yes it does.  What to do with Junk is a personal preference.  Some
people might want it deleted without another glance, others might want
to be able to peruse it for false positives.  Others might want to
archive it for future analysis, etc.

What I do is disable the Junk determination on the client but have that
run on the server and "flag"/score e-mail as junk.  Then on evo I have a
filter that looks for the flag and sets the status to Junk which of
course puts it into that Junk folder.

 --  it ought at least to to be optional, and probably
not enabled by default.

What I would like is to be able to exclude one or more folders from
being included in the Junk vFolder.  Because I archive my spam in a
"spam" folder (i.e. move from Junk to spam) on my imap server but then
Junk ends up showing me the spam in that folder so i end up not knowing
which ones are in spam already and potentially wind up moving them from
"spam" to "spam" again, via the Junk vFolder.


My other computer is your Microsoft Windows server.

Brian J. Murrell

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