Re: [Evolution] How do you vote for a bug ?

On 9/26/05, Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj novell com> wrote:
many of the features for each release come from customers and then
prioritised by management. the developers rarely ever get ,much of a say
as to what features get implemented for any given release.

How do you get it from the customers ?

holding a survey would not get good results as surveys are rarely
indiciative of what customers actually want.

Aha, so this is why many many companies spending $$$$$$$ to buy or do a surveys
Yes I agree with you , they are stupid and waisting there time and money  :)

all you'd be likely to get are votes from a handful of people for
features that are largely uncared about by the vast majority of the

No, I'm not talking about specific feature, even if that what I want (
to get votes from a handful of people for features that are largely
uncared ),     the majority of the customer will vote for the better
feature (for sure they will be much bigger than the "handful of
people" :)  )


On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 20:26 +0300, regatta wrote:
Another thing guys,

Who decide what to be in the next release ( ?

Are the customers involved in making this plan or it's only by the developers ?

What I mean is that evolution is made for the customers so you should
make the customers  decide what they need to be improved and not what
the developer think it's better

for example if you ask me (as a customer)  if I'm interested in Evo
2.6, I will tell you NO, and probably I will not install it (Ok, maybe
if I have a free time :) ) , because nothing there make me interest to
download it , for EXAMPLE , I don't care about Hula

I don't mean Hula is bad or anything , what I mean not many people
will be interest on this new future because not many people are using
it, this is just EXAMPLE and I mean not many people because most of
the people are using other system like exchange in Enterprise
environment (specially if you plan to import evolution to windows) and
pop/imap in Home user environment

I really liked what Ben Goodger said in his blog about KDE and apple (,2000061733,39191656,00.htm )

In summary :

*- I know I'm very new in here , but listen to me as a customer how
really love your work :)

*- You need to think about what your customers want , not about what
the developers think the customers want or how the developer need to
make the source code more perfect.

*- Think about making a live survey to make the user decide what they
need to improve in the next release (make the survey included with
evolution when they run it in the first time of maybe after they run
it more than 30 time).

Note: this can apply to Evolution and Gnome also

On 9/25/05, Shreyas Sriniavasan <sshreyas novell com> wrote:
On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 15:05 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
in gnome's bugzilla you cannot, so send gifts to the developers or spend
them a beer on the next gnome conference. ;-)

heh, could work :-) but on a slightly serious note i think we need a
venue for discussion. I do agree with regatta that a lot of old bugs may
need re-thinking. We need to take a stance on them and decide on their
priority, if a few of them are beaten old bugs that we dont see the need
to fix then we should atleast close them. Keeping them open just looks
really bad.

What do you guys think of having a "Hack Fest" where we close/ fix/ kill
al/ most bugs which are pre-2.0. I am just thinking out aloud, if a lot
of people
are convinced then we can do something like that.

For interaction we can have people posting bugs they feel passionate
on the list and have a healthy discussion about the need to push a fix
the same. Although i dont know if its in the scope of the mailing list.


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