[Evolution] Evo crashes on auto-fill

Hi All,

Some time ago I was on this list, but I ran out of time to handle the
traffic.  I am back because the bug submission procedure is onerous, and
I want to do my bit to help with faults, but I am not a programmer, just
a user since before Evo 1.  I ran the bug-buddy deal and then found that
it requires sendmail to work.  I do not have sendmail on my computer, so
I have saved the bug report and would love to send it to the right
place.  I understand that mailing lists do not normally allow

I am experiencing a problem with the Contacts, and AutoFill.  Everytime
I open the contacts, the order is all over the place eg the first few
names start with the following initial letters V M S D K G S P P B W F W
and it takes up to a minute to get them sorted into Alphabetical order.
I have around 600 entries in the Contacts folder. 

With autofill selected in email options, Evo crashes on the entry of the
fourth letter of an address.  Also the data-server is hogging around 96%
Cpu useage. When selecting the "To" combo box to display the address
list, the order in there is scrambled as well, and instead of displaying
names only, it also displays the email address as well, it almost looks
like a csv view of the records.

On my wish list is a feature to display all of the apparent duplicate
entries so that they can be cleaned up.  Duplicates occur when the
record is stored under the person's name as well as under the company.
And this normally happens as a result of Palm Pilot synchronisation.

Sorry about the length.

Andrew Greig
Melbourne, Australia

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