Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.0.4 keybindings and folder pane...

Hello Andre!

On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 17:56 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
hmm... perhaps it's possible by editing some xml files, don't know. :-/

Well I checked up /usr/share/evolution/2.0/ui/*.xml files. However, none
of them had any mention of the Label "action". I think these files only
contains the main menu items whereas the Label action is available only
on right-clicking the message.

Wonder where right click action menu items are stored!

it's not possible, see . however, in evolution
2.2 you will be able to hide the component buttons.

Debian currently has a broken Evolution 2.2 package - let me compile it
from source and see if that's of any help!

Thanks a lot for your reply!

Abhas Abhinav <abhas deeproot co in>
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