Re: [Evolution] Re: Suggestions on how to work withEvolutionUI effectively?

On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 12:56 +0100, Anders Näslund wrote:
You can define a new view in Your Vfolder that includes that if I'm not

If you mean that I can add the "Original Location" column to my view, well, that doesn't quite do it. First of all, the name of the folders are too long (since they all look like burner mail suppressingfire org:/ximian/evolution), and even at 1400x1050, I just don't have the screen real estate to use it (things are already packed pretty tight). And it still breaks my visual memory for where the messages live.

If you mean that I can suck in all related messages to the vfolder's target messages, then yeah, that's nice, and I do that, but not everyone uses an email system that properly sets up the headers (AOL's Atlas webmail is a biggy, since that's what my girlfriend uses). And it still breaks my visual memory.

Did you have something else in mind?



Michael R Head <burner suppressingfire org>
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