Re: [Evolution] Open link in browser does not work

Even if You run another WM You still need to change the Gnome settings.
Evo will read the gnome prefs and nothing's a Gnome app.

tor 2005-03-03 klockan 14:27 +0100 skrev Ludovic Coumétou:
On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 12:30 +0100, Ludovic Coumétou wrote:

I have a small annoying prbl with evolution :) When you right click on a
link and select open in browser (or even when clicking on the link), the
link does not get opened in my browser.

Any idea on how to solve that?

Which DE are you using?

In GNOME, there's the program gnome-default-applications-properties,
which in Debian, at least is:

Foot->Applications->"Desktop Preferences"->Advanced->"Preferred 

I'm using WindowMaker 0.91

I run Gentoo, Evolution 2.0.0 and Firefox 1.0.1

Upgrade to Evo 2.0.3.  It fixes a lot of bugs.

I'm currently emerging evo 2.0.3, I will post once install is finish to say if the prbl is still there or 
not :)

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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