[Evolution] Duplicate mails from POP server

Hi all,

I'm new to the list.

I have a problem with the Evo 2.2.1 delivered with SuSE 9.3. It is
installed on a 64 Bit AMD system.

Evo (intermittently) collects all the already fetched mails it fetched
before; again and again. It comes to multiple copies. I even marked all
messages as 'read' and cleared them to a Backup folder, away from the
in-box. All the mails were collected again.

I have to keep all mails on the POP server to be able to access it from
two different pc's, both with the same version of Linux and Evo. The one
system is installed with SuSE 9.3 64Bit (AMD), the second system is a
SuSE 9.3 32Bit (AMD). 

I also "Disable support for all POP3 extensions", as someone suggested
before to solve the problem, without any effect.


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