Re: [Evolution] Spell Checker

On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 17:15 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
hey jeremey,

Am Donnerstag, den 23.06.2005, 09:23 -0400 schrieb Jeremey Wise:
aspell-en is no longer a package. I do not know why?
Fun, I never thought to look on the DVD for the aspell-en....till now. I
have checked multiple mirrors(listed below) and it is NOT their but does
exist in /media/SU930_001/suse/i586/aspell-en-6.0-3.i586.rpm


If my notes serv their is on more step to use gnome-control-center to
set the spell check language. I don't see any such option, though I have
poked around a bunch. 

Here is my now installed packages but their is no gconf-edit

hmm... i'm running suse 9.2 here, cannot say anything about 9.3, but
according to
it's included in suse 9.3 ("aspell-en 6.0 (An English Dictionary for

not really ideas - but would be interesting to know what the GConf keys

did you take a look at those gconf keys?
I have poked around googled and have no idea where in SuSE 9.3 these
keys would be? 

i don't get this, you *did* take a look into gconf e.g. by running
gconf-editor and they do not exist, or you didn't look at all? :-/



Jeremey Wise
jeremey wise agilysys com

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