[Evolution] Re: [Evolution-hackers] Search in message/Find in message

This belongs on the evolution list.

For all evolution-hackers, who of course either use emacs or simple dont
count, ctrl-s is the only natural choice, and thus, not a usability
problem at all.

I dont know what cvs version you're using because mine has unfortunately
dropped the natural ctrl-s and reverted to some fucked up windoze
behaviour i've never had the displeasure to have to ever experience

Redirected to the users list.

On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 11:05 -0400, Lee Revell wrote:
I'm using a CVS build of Evo 2.3.1, and noticed that the mail reader
uses Ctrl-S/Search in Message, while the composer uses Ctrl-F/Find in

I still think using Ctrl-S is a big usability problem, it has taken me
weeks to get used to, as Firefox and IE use Ctrl-F, but it's definitely
not good to have separate bindings for the reader and composer.


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